Kings of Muraine: A Tyr Retelling – Norse God of Justice

Chapter 24: Midnight Anemones (excerpt)


Bathing in full moonlight is the empty scene of bloodstained shamrock-grass. It’s where memories exploded from Nyrim, then me. Memories I still can’t remember, no matter how I try. What currently disregards my grievance now, though, is this mocking object resting on the rock. The second Enigma Star, beside me. Still unsolved. Aloud, I state, “Even with everything I’ve been able to do, I can’t figure you out.” Silently, I continue, Not my dad’s secrecy, nor his death. This Enigma, or the Vardiya’s message. Awngeleik, or the journals, either. But Soren’s interest in Gemma disturbs me. How does everything fit, in what my dad was running from?

The field of Midnight Anemones beckons me to look, and I do. And when I do, something deep within my soul is brought to the surface. An inner summon, which calls from across the stained grass.

It is a cool breeze and warm sunlight.

It is fear and courage.

A contradiction of sensation, all felt at once.

Sighing, I seize the Enigma Star. Whether I’m ready, or not, I prepare myself for the presence of contradiction: the Geldryn device displayed on her wrist. Though Callie of Dysarda’s out of sight, I sense the device nearing with every step.

The cool breeze turns to ice.

The warm sunlight to a scorching desert.

Fear to horror.

Courage to carelessness.

Sweat beads on my brow, and I claw at my neck, until a gentle wind carries the calming sugar-musk scent of Midnight Anemones. At the field’s border I stand, taken aback by their glow. Blue toward the center of unreflecting black, each flower boasts of six glowing petals edged with white.

Sensing that I’ve been here before, once again, familiarity fills me. Through the intoxicating knee-high flowers I wade, calling for Callie. The one uniform reply is from the Arkivara’s leaves rustling their own rhythm. It’s like thousands of little replies, really. Unable to resist, I flop down in the elegant flowers the same way I would in my favorite patch of grass back home. With a long, single inhale, my lungs soak in my new favorite smell of Midnight Anemones.

Time passes, though I know not how much, when I sit up to think, If she’s not here, where would she go?

A grove of fruit trees, nearby, looks promising. Reluctantly getting up, I wander deep into its dark shadows, echoing to her, Callie. You in here?

Behind me, hurrying footsteps rustle through the Midnight Anemones. Someone’s in the grove with me. Fear takes hold, when heat returns to my veins. That same heat felt near Mirror Lake. I dash farther into the grove. But I collide with something. Someone. We plummet to the ground, together.

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A YEAR TO THE DAY since my dad, Lance Ravier, died. Somehow, it felt like just yesterday. The shock of it was still so raw. That night changed my life, and everything, forever. I saw them. Two strangers from another world. One with glowing yellow eyes. The other with vampire fangs. The one with fangs claimed to be a king. But he was a young king, at best. The King of Paragon. He broke the news to me. My dad wasn’t from Earth. Instead, he was from a world filled with magic: Muraine. His other home.


After thirteen years of hiding the truth, of lying to me, all he left behind were hidden belongings from a secret life. And the dragon-horse: Awngeleik. How could I refuse King Talok, when asked to look after her . . . to help keep her from falling into the enemy’s hands? The grasp of Zymarc, King of Vitiosyns. Either amused or psychotic, I agreed to it. What could happen to top my dad dying or death itself? If I knew what would happen, I might have made a different choice.


Regardless, the pages are still turning. I still have time. He still looks at me with fear for what I really am, and hatred for what I might do. If only she had not done what she did. None of this would have happened . . .


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J.R. Vaineo

J.R. Vaineo is a self-published indie author, residing near Salt Lake City, UT. In 2018, she published her first book: Kings of Muraine. When she’s not writing, she and partner, Jessie, have many adventures together. Mostly in cooking, witchy stuff, and fawning over their adorable fur-babies.


While Julie Rae writes mostly fantasy fiction—combining elements of epic, portal, paranormal, and dark fantasy—she enjoys reading all genres; except, perhaps, for horror stories. After finishing a creative writing program, through the Institute of Children’s Literature, she continued to improve her craft of writing. In 2013, she graduated with her AA degree in psychology. During that time, she expanded on many things, especially focusing on what would prove invaluable for fleshing out characters and plot twists. What started out as a writing prompt, in 2005, has now become a nine book series she is currently working on: The Journals of Ravier. Sometimes, she is quite jealous of the characters’ abilities, found within her own writing. If that is a sign of anything, it is this: Obsession.

Julie Vaineo