Discover Stories, Support Storytellers is a reader-first discovery platform and marketplace, designed to make it easier than ever to find, explore, and purchase books, audiobooks, comics, serialized fiction, and more. Here, you’re in control—choose where and how you buy, while directly supporting the storytellers who bring these worlds to life.
How to Use
1. Browse & Discover
- Explore a wide selection of books, audiobooks, serialized fiction, comics, graphic novels, and films.
- Search by genre, title, author, or format.
- Get personalized recommendations from our Librarian chatbot, an AI-powered assistant trained only on publicly shared information from storytellers.
2. Choose How You Buy
Storytellers on control how their work is sold, giving you multiple ways to purchase:
- Buy Direct: Some storytellers sell directly through our platform, earning 80% of the sale price—so your purchase directly supports them.
- Retailer Links: Many storytellers provide links to purchase from their preferred retailers, such as Amazon, Apple Books, Kobo, and more. When you click these links, you’re taken directly to their store.
- Subscriptions & Serialized Content: Love ongoing stories? Subscribe to serialized fiction and support creators through recurring content.
3. Enjoy Your Stories
- Digital Books & Audiobooks: When purchasing direct, you’ll receive a secure download link through BookFunnel for easy access on any device.
- Print Books: Print purchases are fulfilled through or Lulu, supporting independent bookstores and ensuring high-quality printing.
- Comics, Manga & Graphic Novels: Available in digital and print formats depending on the storyteller’s preference.
4. Connect with Storytellers
- Follow your favorite authors and creators to stay updated on new releases.
- Read exclusive interviews and behind-the-scenes content in Storyteller Showcase Magazine.
- Engage with new stories and discover hidden gems curated just for you.
Why Choose Direct2Readers?
✔ More Ways to Buy – You decide where and how you purchase stories.
✔ Support Storytellers Directly – When you buy direct, more of your money goes to the creators.
✔ Personalized Recommendations – Let our Librarian chatbot help you find your next great read.
✔ Diverse Storytelling Formats – Explore books, audiobooks, serialized fiction, comics, and more in one place.
✔ Print & Digital Options – Enjoy your stories however you prefer.
Start Exploring Today!
Dive into a world of incredible storytelling. Find your next favorite story today!
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